Friday, November 5, 2010

Journalism in India has gone to the dogs

The hype on television and the papers over Barack Obama's visit to India is nauseating to put it mildly. I personally respect and admire Obama but this is just too much.

The Indian media has exposed itself globally as a  farce. It all started with a very poorly sourced report by PTI that the U.S. was spending $200 million a day on Obama's trip. Despite the fact that there is no way that such a figure can be backed up, the Indian TV channels and newspapers have jumped on the bandwagon citing that figure in all reports. Sigh.

The latest rubbish report came from NDTV that 32 U.S. warships were heading to the Bombay harbour to protect Obama. The sad part is that people believe this kind of non-sense. I, for one, am glad that I stopped almost all the English-language news channels in India. I can't do without the papers, especially the wonderful Sunday editions.


  1. switch to watching DD news. Yes, it's not brightly exciting but yes, it's not darkly nauseating either.

  2. Yup.. I already did after Ornab's jingoistic tirade on day 1 of the visit
