Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sympathy for Maoists

One misinformed professor at university went on an anti-government tirade while giving us exercises. I won't go into further details so as to avoid revealing this person's identity. I was flabbergasted when the murdered Maoist Azad was classified as some martyr.

The Maoists are blood-thirsty terrorists that are power-hungry and will murder as many innocent people as possible to meet their goals. What alarms me is that there is an increasing number of people from the Arundhati Roy school who glorify the Maoists. I'll admit that the tribals and people living in the poorest states in India are victims of government oppression. But to glorify killers who want to turn India into a Maoist state... That's just taking things too far.

For those Bombayites that cry over innocent deaths, I wonder how many of you would help an injured man on the streets let alone someone who is dying. More people die in Bombay via road accidents, food poisoning, contagious diseases and falling off local trains than those killed in violent acts. Where is your concern for human life here?

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