Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lack of humanity

The more time I spend away from my isolated cocoon in Andheri, the more I realise how much people lack basic courtesy and a sense of humanity in this city. A few days ago, I saw a blind girl walking to platform number 3 in Andheri station and she had a tough time navigating the busy area and no one seemed ready to help her to walk down the stairs. (God only knows where the hell everybody is in a hurry to get to).  Some people even seemed to "get angry" as they got bumped by the blind girl!! As I walked towards her to help her, a young woman helped her down the steps. Guess there is at least 1 other decent human being left in Bombay!

The same evening, when I was heading north on a local train, I was seated comfortably in a 1st class compartment. At Marine Lines, a young, desperate man comes in to "reserve" his place by standing near the seating area. A few stops later, I see a man well into his 70s, standing and none of the young jerks were ready to offer him a seat. Come on people! What harm would standing for 20 minutes in a not-so-crowded train do?

I offered the old man my seat, only to get a dirty look and sarcastic comment from the guy who got in from Marine Lines! I told him that if more people respected elders, India would be a better and more civlized country. The old man profusely thanked me and called me a "real gentleman". I guess gentlemen are in short supply in this city.

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