Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wonderful initiative at the Sanjay Gandhi National Park

I am happy to know that there are people in Bombay who care about cleanliness and are willing to do something to make some parts of the city cleaner. This morning I met someone with a few large bags inside the park, who was picking up rubbish from the park and involving some of the adivasi children. He promised them a gift if they could fill the bag with garbage. The enthusiastic children seemed more than eager. Since this gentleman was busy, I didn't want to disturb him and ask him any questions but kudos to this wonderful man.

Notes from the National Park

The national park is a wonderful place to be on a Sunday morning. Lots of joggers & walkers, people riding bicycles and other fitness enthusiasts throng the place. Nature, fresh air and fitness:- not an easily available combination in this city.

When security staff warn people to stay away from monkeys and they still doesn't listen, we have a problem. The aggressive monkeys get fed by people (including forest guards!!!) and then assume it's their right to grab food from people. The monkeys are NOT at fault here.

Here are some images from the park and the Kanheri Caves

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