Monday, June 13, 2011

Monsoon mess in Mumbai

I find it amusing that year after year, this city lacks the total ability to handle something as basic as the monsoons. This year, the rains caught the city by surprise a couple of weeks early but it's no excuse for the mess. What's more amusing is that people have the same complaints every year. Come on people, spend a week in Delhi in baking 45 degree heat and then complain about the weather here.

This is the way I look at the wonderful rainy season in Bombay. Wear darker t-shirts and shorts and slippers or rubber open-ended sandals. Keep an adequate supply of disinfectant at home and make sure your feet are clean once you step indoors. Last year, the rainy season lasted beyond October and the last shower was on my birthday (November 4)!

Enjoy the rains with warm tea and samosas. Spend a few evenings by the sea-side promenades and if you're getting wet, just remember that more than 60 percent of the population have to worry about their shanties getting flooded.

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