Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Apathy is India's greatest curse

An old Indophile diplomatic friend of mine once told me that the only thing that he didn't like about the country was the absolute lack of a sense of responsibility that people have here. And since then I have heard all sorts of excuses for this from genetic make-up to the equatorial heat.

A couple of months ago, my building wasn't getting an undisturbed water supply despite the fact that water cuts had come to an end. I asked the managing committee of the society if he contacted the municipal authorities and he deftly said that we should wait a week or two and then request the services of a water tanker. I furiously replied that I would approach the municipal authorities with or without his help. When I did call the authorities, they sent someone across to check the underground pipes and found a leak. Problem solved.

Why didn't anyone else in the building think of doing anything similar? We can put it down to the fact that their sadistic mindset prevented them from taking an initiative that would have benefited people living in 16 apartments but I think it just boils down to not having the slightest sense of responsibility.

So it is the case with residents of Andheri who make no demands from the municipal authorities to evict hawkers from sidewalks or to make sure that sewage pipes don't leak and turn the suburb into a giant open sewer.

Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand and at the end of the day, we all get exactly what we deserve.

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